This page lists my journal publications, conference papers, and notable presentations. If you are interested in a copy of an article or slideshow listed below, please send me an email and I'll be happy to send it to you.
Peer-reviewed journal publications
Hoffenson, S., Philippe, C., Chen, Z., Barrientos, C., Yu, Z., Chell, B., Blackburn, M. (2023) "Graphical Features of Interactive Dashboards Have Little Influence on Engineering Students Performing a Design Task," International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, Vol. 180, p. 103121,
Pitterson, N.P., Crimmins, S., Espera Jr., A., Hoffenson, S. (2023) "Student reflections on the use of a market simulator in an engineering design course," International Journal of Engineering Education, Vol. 39, No. 5, pp. 1140-1153.
Dello Russo, G., Lytle, A., Hoffenson, S., Wu, L., and Mahoney, C. (2023), “An Experimental Study of Consumer Attitudes and Intentions in Electricity Markets,” Cleaner and Responsible Consumption, Vol. 9, p. 100116,
Hoffenson, S., Corby, A., Zheng, S., and Pitterson, N. (2023) "Influences of Engineering Student Backgrounds and Experiences on Conceptions of Product Design," Journal of Mechanical Design, Vol. 145, No. 3, p. 032302,
Miska, J.W., Mathews, L., Driscoll, J., Hoffenson, S., Crimmins, S., Espera, A., and Pitterson, N. (2022), “How do undergraduate engineering students conceptualize product design? An analysis of two third-year design courses,” Journal of Engineering Education, Vol. 111, No. 3, pp. 616-641,
Zadbood, A. and Hoffenson, S. (2022), “Social network word-of-mouth integrated into agent-based design for market systems modeling,” Journal of Mechanical Design, Vol. 144, p. 071701.
Hoffenson, S. and Fay, B. (2021), “Teaching Market-Driven Engineering Design with an Agent-Based Simulation Tool,” Advances in Engineering Education, Vol. 9, No. 2.
Fraize, J.C., Fürth, M., Hoffenson, S., and Chell, B. (2021), "Optimization Based Concept Design for Autonomous Sailing Vessels," Naval Engineers Journal, Vol. 133, No. 1, pp. 91-101.
Chell, B., Hoffenson, S., Philippe, C. J. G., and Blackburn, M. R. (2021), “Comparing filtering multifidelity optimization strategies with a simulation-based multidisciplinary aircraft model,” Journal of Mechanical Design, Vol. 143, No. 8, p. 081702.
Barletta, I., Despeisse, M., Hoffenson, S., and Johansson, B. (2021), “Organisational sustainability readiness: A model and assessment tool for manufacturing companies,” Journal of Cleaner Production, Vol. 284, p. 125404.
Faludi, J., Hoffenson, S., Kwok, S.Y., Saidani, M., Hallstedt, S.I., Telenko, C., and Martinez, V. (2020), “A research roadmap for sustainable design methods and tools,” Sustainability, Vol. 12, No. 19.
Stylidis, K., Hoffenson, S., Wickman, C., Söderman, M., and Söderberg, R. (2020), "Transforming brand core values into perceived quality: a Volvo case study," International Journal of Product Development, Vol. 24, No. 1, pp. 43-67.
Stewart, S,, Giambalvo, J., Vance, J., Faludi, J., and Hoffenson, S. (2020). "A product development approach advisor for navigating common design methods, processes, and environments," Designs, Vol. 4, No. 1.
Chell, B., Hoffenson, S., Ray, D., Jones, R., Blackburn, M.R. (2019), "Optimizing for mission success using a stochastic gaming simulation," Journal of Cyber Security & Information Systems, Vol. 7, No. 3, pp. 7-12.
Brundage, M.P., Bernstein, W.Z., Hoffenson, S., Chang, Q., Nishi, H., Kliks, T., Morris, K.C. (2018) "Analyzing environmental sustainability methods for use earlier in the product lifecycle," Journal of Cleaner Production, Vol. 187, pp. 877-892.
Madrid, J., Forslund, A., Söderberg, R., Wärmefjord, K., Hoffenson, S., Vallhagen, J., Andersson, P. (2018) "A Welding Capability Assessment Method (WCAM) to support multidisciplinary design of aircraft structures," International Journal on Interactive Design and Manufacturing, Vol. 12, No. 3, pp. 833-851.
Hoffenson, S., Söderberg, R. (2015) “Taxation and transparency: How policy decisions impact product quality and sustainability,” Journal of Mechanical Design, Vol. 137, pp. 101702.
Hoffenson, S., Söderberg, R. (2015) “Systems thinking in tolerance and quality-related design decision-making,” Procedia CIRP, Vol. 27, pp. 59-64.
Hoffenson, S., Dagman, A., Söderberg, R. (2015) “Visual quality and sustainability considerations in tolerance optimization: A market-based approach,” International Journal of Production Economics, Vol. 168, pp. 167-180.
Hoffenson, S., Dagman, A., Söderberg, R. (2014) “Tolerance optimisation considering economic and environmental sustainability,” Journal of Engineering Design, Vol. 25, No. 10-12, pp. 367-390. [Journal of Engineering Design Best Paper of 2014]
Hoffenson, S., Arepally, S., Papalambros, P.Y. (2014), “A multi-objective optimization framework for assessing military ground vehicle design for safety,” Journal of Defense Modeling and Simulation, Vol. 11, No. 1, pp. 33-46.
Hoffenson, S., Reed, M.P., Kaewbaidhoon, Y., and Papalambros, P.Y. (2013), “On the impact of the regulatory frontal crash test speed on optimal vehicle design and road traffic injuries,” International Journal of Vehicle Design, Vol. 63, No. 1, pp. 39-60.
Hoffenson, S., Frischknecht, B.D., Papalambros, P.Y. (2013), “A market systems analysis of the U.S. Sport Utility Vehicle market considering frontal crash safety technology and policy,” Accident Analysis & Prevention, Vol. 50, pp. 943-954.
Hoffenson, S., Arepally, S., Kokkolaras, M., Papalambros, P.Y. (2013), “Quantification of the design relationship between ground vehicle weight and occupant safety under blast loading,” International Journal of Vehicle Design: Special Issue on Modelling and Simulation of Ground Vehicle Systems, Vol. 61, pp. 204-218.
Peer-reviewed conference proceedings
Basereh Taramsari, H., Mudhar, S., Hoffenson, S. (2023) “An Integrated Holistic Approach Toward Sustainable Product Design Using Life Cycle Assessment,” ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences, Boston, MA, August 20-23.
Basereh Taramsari, H., McFarren, J., Watz, M., Hallstedt, S., Hoffenson, S. (2023) “Assessing Systemic Drivers and Barriers to Sustainable Design Transitions: Relationship Strengths and Research Gaps,” International Conference on Engineering Design, Bordeaux, July 24-28.
Basereh Taramsari, H., Hoffenson, S. (2023) “Sustainable Design of a Reusable Water Bottle: A Systems Thinking Approach,” Conference on Systems Engineering Research (CSER), Hoboken, NJ, March 16-17.
Dello Russo, G., Lytle, A., Hoffenson, S., Wu, L. (2023) “An Experimental Study of the Effect of Monetary Incentives and Fees on Consumer Energy Behavioral Intentions,” Conference on Systems Engineering Research (CSER), Hoboken, NJ, March 16-17.
McDonough, S., Litvin, A., Steinwurtzel, B., Feliciano, R., Hoffenson, S., Blackburn, M. (2023) “An Interactive Dashboard to Support Design of an Artillery System,” Conference on Systems Engineering Research (CSER), Hoboken, NJ, March 16-17.
Carter, M., Basereh Taramsari, H., and Hoffenson, S. (2022) “Exploring the Integration of DSM and LCA Tools to Improve Design for Sustainability,” ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences, St. Louis, MO, August 14-17.
Corby, A., Hoffenson, S., and Pitterson, N. (2022), “Influences of Engineering Student Backgrounds and Experiences on Conceptions of Product Design,” ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences, St. Louis, MO, August 14-17.
Dello Russo, G., Hoffenson, S., Lytle, A., and Wu, L. (2022) “Agent-Based Modeling of Consumer and Producer Behavior in Sustainable Energy Markets,” IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting, Denver, CO, July 17-21.
Watz, M., Hoffenson, S., and Hallstedt, S.I. (2021) “Exploring systemic drivers and barriers to sustainable design,” ICED21 23rd International Conference on Engineering Design, Gothenburg, Sweden, August 16-20.
Hoffenson, S., Pitterson, N.P., and Driscoll, J.R. (2021) “Undergraduate Student Learning of Market-Driven Design Topics in a Third-Year Design Course,” ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Virtual, July 26-29.
Driscoll, J.R., Hoffenson, S., and Pitterson, N. (2020), “Short Papers: An initial analysis of undergraduate student mental models of product design,” ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences, St. Louis, MO, August 16-19.
Chell, B., Hoffenson, S., Kruse, B., and Blackburn, M.R. (2020), “Mission-level optimization: a new approach to complex systems design for highly stochastic life cycle use case scenarios,” ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences, St. Louis, MO, August 16-19.
Hoffenson, S., Pitterson, N.P., and Driscoll, J.R. (2020), “Understanding student conceptualizations of the market context in engineering design,” ASEE Annual Conference, virtual (originally planned Montreal, Canada), June 22-26.
Chell, B., Hoffenson, S., and Blackburn, M. (2019), "Comparing multifidelity model management strategies for multidisciplinary design optimization," ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences, Anaheim, California, August 18-21.
Zadbood, A., Russo, N., and Hoffenson, S. (2019), "Word-of-mouth recommendations in an automobile market system," ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences, Anaheim, California, August 18-21.
Fraize, J., Ekman, F., Fürth, M., Hoffenson, S., and Chell, B. (2019), "Multi-objective reliability-based design optimization of an autonomous sailing vessel," International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference, Honolulu, Hawaii, June 16-21.
Desai, P., Saremi, R., Hoffenson, S., and Lippizi, C. (2019), “Agile and affordable: a survey of supply chain management methods in long lifecycle products,” IEEE International Systems Conference, Orlando, Florida, April 8-11.
Chell, B., Hoffenson, S., and Blackburn, M. (2019), “A comparison of multidisciplinary design analysis and optimization architectures with an aircraft case study,” AIAA Science and Technology Forum and Exposition, San Diego, January 7-11.
Wade, J., Hoffenson, S., and Gerardo, H. (2018), “Systemic design engineering: curriculum and instructional results,” Complex Systems Design & Management (CSD&M) Conference, Paris, December 18-19.
Hoffenson, S., Wisniowski, M. (2018) "An electricity grid as an agent-based market system: exploring the effects of policy on sustainability," ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences, Quebec City, Canada, August 26-29.
Hoffenson, S., Brouse, P., Gelosh, D.S., Pafford, M., Strawser, L.D., Wade, J., Sofer, A. (2018) "Grand challenges in systems engineering education," Conference on Systems Engineering Research, Charlottesville, Virginia, May 8-9.
Vance, J., Giambalvo, J., Hoffenson, S. (2017) “Navigating the common approaches to product development,” International Conference on Engineering Design, Vancouver, Canada, August 21-25.
Zadbood, A., Hoffenson, S. (2017) “Agent based modeling of automobile producer and consumer behavior to support design for market systems analysis,” ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences, Cleveland, Ohio, August 6-9.
Fay, B., Hoffenson, S. (2017) “An agent-based market system simulation for design education,” ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences, Cleveland, Ohio, August 6-9.
Wade, J., Hoffenson, S., Gerardo, H. (2017) “Systemic design engineering,” 27th Annual INCOSE International Symposium, Adelaide, Australia, July 15-20.
Giambalvo, J., Vance, J., Hoffenson, S. (2017) “Toward a decision support tool for selecting engineering design methodologies,” ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Columbus, Ohio, June 25-28.
Quist, J., Bhadani, K., Bengtsson, M., Evertsson, M., Malmqvist, J., Enelund, M., Hoffenson, S. (2017) “CDIO based engineering design and optimization course,” 13th International CDIO Conference, Calgary, Canada, June 18-22.
Hoffenson, S. (2017) “Sustainability policy-making as a dynamic, agent-based system of systems,” 12th International Conference on System of Systems Engineering, Waikoloa, Hawaii, June 18-21.
Mosca, M., Hoffenson, S. (2017) “Using agent-based modeling to understand stakeholder interactions in the rollout of NextGen by the Federal Aviation Administration,” 2017 Annual IEEE International Systems Conference, Montreal, Canada, April 24-27.
Hoffenson, S., Söderberg, R. (2014), "Policy and Demand as Drivers for Product Quality and Sustainability: A Market Systems Approach," ASME 2014 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences, Buffalo, New York, 17-20 August 2014.
Hoffenson, S., Söderberg, R. (2014), "Systems thinking in tolerance and quality-related design decision-making," 13th CIRP Conference on Computer Aided Tolerancing, Hangzhou, China, 11-14 May.
Stylidis, K., Hoffenson, S., Wickman, C., Söderman, M., Söderberg, R. (2014), "Corporate and customer understanding of core values regarding perceived quality: Case studies on Volvo Car Corporation and Volvo Trucks," 24th CIRP Design Conference, Milan, Italy, 14-16 April.
Hoffenson, S., Forslund, A., Söderberg, R. (2013), “Sustainability-driven tolerancing and design optimization in an aircraft engine component,” ASME 2013 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, San Diego, California, 15-21 November.
Hoffenson, S., Dagman, A., Söderberg, R., Steen, B. (2013), “Tolerance optimization for economic and ecological sustainability using RD&T,” 6th International Conference on Life Cycle Management, Gothenburg, Sweden, 25-28 August.
Hoffenson, S., Dagman, A., Söderberg, R. (2013), “Tolerance optimization of a mobile phone considering consumer demand for quality and sustainability in China, Sweden, and the United States,” International Conference on Engineering Design, Seoul, 19-22 August.
Hoffenson, S., Söderberg, R. (2013), “Comparing standards and policies for sustainability in tolerance optimization,” ASME 2013 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences, Portland, Oregon, 4-7 August.
Hoffenson, S., Dagman, A., Söderberg, R. (2013), “A multi-objective tolerance optimization approach for economic, ecological, and social sustainability,” 20th CIRP International Conference on Life Cycle Engineering (LCE), Singapore, 17-19 April.
Hoffenson, S., Dagman, A., Söderberg, R. (2013), “Tolerance specification optimization for economic and ecological sustainability,” 23rd CIRP Design Conference, Bochum, Germany, 11-13 March.
Hoffenson, S., Frischknecht, B., Papalambros, P.Y. (2012), “A market systems analysis of the U.S. Sport Utility Vehicle market considering frontal crash safety technology and policy,” NordDesign 2012, Aalborg, Denmark, 22-24 August.
Hoffenson, S., Papalambros, P.Y. (2011), “The impact of safety standards and policies on optimal automobile design,” International Conference on Engineering Design, Copenhagen, Denmark, 15-18 August.
Hoffenson, S., Arepally, S., Kokkolaras, M., Papalambros, P. (2011), “Ground vehicle safety optimization considering blastworthiness and the risks of high weight and fuel consumption,” 2011 NDIA Ground Vehicle Systems Engineering and Technology Symposium, Dearborn, Michigan, USA, 9-11 August. (Best Paper Award)
Hoffenson, S., Arepally, S., Kokkolaras, M., Papalambros, P. (2011), “Weight and blastworthiness design considerations for military ground vehicle safety optimization,” The 9th World Congress on Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, Shizuoka, Japan, 13-17 June.
Hoffenson, S., Papalambros, P., Kokkolaras, M., Reed, M. (2009), “An optimization approach to occupant safety and fuel economy in vehicle design,” The 8th World Congress on Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, Lisbon, Portugal, 1-5 June.
Additional Presentations
Dong, A., Zadbood, A.., Hoffenson, S., Wu, L. (2022) "Optimization of worker schedules to maintenance tasks," INFORMS Optimization Society Conference, Greenville, SC, March 15.
Chell, B., Hoffenson, S., Kruse, B., Blackburn, M. (2021) "Mission-Level Optimization: A New Method for Designing Successful Systems," National Defense Industrial Association (NDIA) Virtual Systems & Mission Engineering Conference, Virtual, December 8.
Hoffenson, S. (2021) "Multidisciplinary and Life Cycle Holistic Sustainable Design," Stevens CAREER Club Symposium, Hoboken, NJ, November 12.
Dello Russo, G., Hoffenson, S., Lytle, A., Wu, L. (2021) "Agent-Based Modeling of Consumer and Producer Behavior in Sustainable Energy Markets," Eighth International Engineering Systems Symposium CESUN 2021, Charlottesville, VA, October 11.
Hoffenson, S., Philippe, C., Chen, Z., Barrientos, C., Yu, Z., Chell, B., Blackburn, M. (2021) "Influences of Interactive Dashboards on Design Decision Making," Eighth International Engineering Systems Symposium CESUN 2021, Charlottesville, VA, October 11.
Hoffenson, S. (2020) "Product design in the face of complexity and sustainability challenges,” SSE Dean’s Virtual Seminar Series: The Future of Systems, Hoboken, NJ, September 30.
Hoffenson, S. (2020) “Teaching Engineering Design in the Context of Market Systems,” Department of Engineering Education, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA, February 14.
Hoffenson, S. (2020) “Product design in the face of complexity and sustainability challenges,” Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC, February 13.
Hoffenson, S. (2019) “Product design in the face of complexity and sustainability challenges,” Mechatronics and Embedded Control Systems, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden, December 18.
Hoffenson, S. (2019) “Consumer Energy Use Behavior and Electricity Market System Modeling,” ITIF Energy Policy Innovation Boot Camp, Washington, DC, May 20.
Hoffenson, S. (2019) “Using Agent-Based Modeling to Analyze Sustainable Design, Manufacturing, and Policy Decisions,” National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD, February 26.
Hoffenson, S. (2018) “Comparing Multidisciplinary Optimization Architectures with an Aircraft Case Study,” Winter Simulation Conference, Gothenburg, Sweden, December 9.
Hoffenson, S. (2018) "A Design Methodology Exploration and Selection System," ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences, Quebec City, Canada, August 26-29.
Hoffenson, S. (2018) "The Academic Route," FutureME Mini-Talks, ASME E-Fest East, State College, PA, April 14.
Hoffenson, S. (2017) “Sustainability through engineering design and government policy,” Trottier Institute for Sustainability in Engineering and Design, McGill University, Montreal, Canada, April 25.
Hoffenson, S. (2016), “Design, Policy, and Sustainability”, Vinnex Seminar, Gothenburg, Sweden, May 23.
Hoffenson, S. (2016), “Geometry Assurance and Sustainable Design,” 14th CIRP Conference on Computer Aided Tolerancing, Gothenburg, Sweden, May 18. [Keynote lecture]
Hoffenson, S. (2015), "Pitching technical ideas to non-technical audiences," FutureME Mini-Talks, ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences, Boston, August 2.
Hoffenson, S. (2014), "Designing a sustainable future through systems thinking," Stevens Institute of Technology, March 3.
Hoffenson, S. (2013), “Trends in Optimization,” The 13th Annual Seminar on Virtual Product Realization, Gothenburg, Sweden, November 15.
Hoffenson, S. (2013), “Tolerance Optimization for Economic, Ecological, and Social Sustainability,” Wingquist Laboratory VINN Excellence Center Seminar, Gothenburg, Sweden, January 18.
Hoffenson, S. (2012), “Ground Vehicle Structure and Seating System Design for Minimizing Casualties,” Automotive Research Center Seminar, Ann Arbor, MI, February 10.
Hoffenson, S. (2011), “Safety Considerations in Optimal Automotive Vehicle Design,” University of Michigan, Doctoral Defense, Ann Arbor, MI, December 5.
Hoffenson, S. (2011), "On the Impact of the Regulatory Frontal Crash Test Speed on Optimal Vehicle Design and Road Traffic Injuries," Engineering Graduate Symposium, Ann Arbor, MI, November 11 (poster).
Hoffenson, S. (2011), “Safety Optimization Formulations and Standards and Their Impact on Vehicle Design,” Chalmers University of Technology, Göteborg, Sweden, August 22.
Hoffenson, S. (2011), “Ground Vehicle Safety Optimization Considering Blastworthiness and Weight,” 17th Automotive Research Center Conference, Ypsilanti, MI, May 24.
Hoffenson, S. (2011), "Safety Optimization Formulations, Standards, and Tradeoffs, and Their Impact on Automobile Design," Design Frontiers Symposium, Ann Arbor, MI, May 19.
Hoffenson, S. (2011), “Supporting Vehicle Design Decisions with Tools for Assessing Effects of Blast Events on Occupants,” Automotive Research Center @ TARDEC Seminar, Warren, MI, February 17.
Hoffenson, S. (2011), “Quantification of the Design Relationship Between Ground Vehicle Weight and Occupant Safety Under Blast Loading,” Automotive Research Center Thrust Area 5 Seminar, Ann Arbor, MI, January 28.
Hoffenson, S. (2010), “Multilevel Vehicle Design: Fuel Economy, Mobility and Safety Considerations, Part B,” 16th Automotive Research Center Conference, Ann Arbor, MI, May 11.
Hoffenson, S. (2010), “The Relationship Between Ground Vehicle Weight and Occupant Safety Under Blast Loading,” Automotive Research Center @ TARDEC Seminar, Warren, MI, March 26.
Hoffenson, S. (2009), “Drop Tower Model Design Space Exploration and Representation,” Automotive Research Center Thrust Area 5 Seminar, Warren, MI, December 9.
Hoffenson, S. (2009), “Vehicle Design Optimization for Occupant Crash Safety and Fuel Economy Using Multi-body Dynamic Modeling,” Engineering Graduate Symposium, Ann Arbor, MI, November 13.
Frischknecht, B., Reid, T., Hoffenson, S., Papalambros, P. (2009), “A Design Science Approach to Understanding Changes in the Automotive Vehicle Industry,” Second International Symposium on Engineering Systems, Cambridge, MA, June 15-17.
Hoffenson, S., Papalambros, P., Kokkolaras, M., Reed, M. (2009), “An Optimization Approach to Occupant Safety and Fuel Economy in Vehicle Design,” 15th Automotive Research Center Conference, Ann Arbor, MI, May 12.